

Saturday, July 17, 2010


I haven't used the blog for a long time now. It would sometimes frustrate me because I couldn't get it to do what I wanted it to and I figured Facebook was good enough. The last week I have spent a lot of time reading and crying and gaining strength from other people's blogs and decided it was time to get mine up and running again. I never write in a journal anymore so at least this way I can document and detail more things about my family than not having anything at all.

Tonight, well I guess this morning since it is 1:13 a.m.!, as I sit here waiting for all my paperwork to print out for work and waiting for Myriah to get home from the Drive-In movie with friends I am thinking about life. I have been touched by a little girl (and her parents) who I have never met this week who went back home to her Heavenly Father yesterday. You can see their story at

Sometimes in our day to day lives we take for granted that each one of those days, the minutes....even the seconds is a gift from our Heavenly Father. What are we doing with that gift?? I sat and just watched my 3 youngest children sleeping tonight....grateful for their lives, their spirits, their personalities....the joy that they bring into my life!!
Some people have asked me how I handle my kids and all their answer to that is that it could always be worse. I will take stitches, or broken bones, or concussions any day over so many other trials we could have.

I have realized lately that Heavenly Father does hear and answer prayers. He does bless us with miracles in our lives....they just aren't always the answers or miracles we thought we would get....they are the answers and miracles that He knows are best for us.

I hope that I can remember from day to day how short and precious this life is and play a little more, laugh a little more, and just enjoy my children and this journey we are on!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Monday, August 11, 2008

Trevor didn't want to be left out!

O.K., so he didn't get hurt....but it still required a trip to Community Care yesterday for a shot! Yes...another one of his Basilar Artery Migraines! I think maybe too much sun at Lagoon, coupled with the usual stress of life, and lack of sleep. He's doing much better today!! (And I wonder why I'm tired!!)

Hallie's turn!!!

So we went to Lagoon this past week and Hallie, Trevor, and I were walking along when I decided to stop and get a drink. Hallie kind of stumbled when I let go and fell into a cement corner. (Picture coming soon on that!) Just a scratch and one heck of a bruise! The next day when we were at home she climbed on top of her playhouse (which of course she has been told a million times not to do!!) and fell off hitting her mouth on the 4-wheeler on the way down. She knocked her front tooth loose a little, chipped the end of it and has one heck of a bruise under her lip!!

Brenden did get hurt!

Sean and his friend T and Brenden went to lift weights. Sean and T were picking on Brenden and locked him out, so he ran around to try and get in through the window and his arm went through the glass requiring 12 stitches!! Picture coming soon!